This Wiki is a user-editable set of pages intended to provide information about Ham Radio, Precision Timing, Test Equipment and related topics.
Feel free to add information and/or create new pages. If you are not familiar with Wikis, you can play in the Sandbox.
The editor has convenient buttons for the most common formatting, but the Syntax page has the whole thing!
Please check the Style Guide before making edits or creating new pages, thank you!
Didier KO4BB
As a result of persistent abuse, the Wiki now requires registration, which is handled manually.
To register, send me an email and I will get back to you with your login information.
Note: Bruce Griffiths is now maintaining Time related pages at
This wiki uses a Wiki engine known as DokuWiki There are many other Wiki engines available, one of the better known is the Wikimedia engine powering WikiPedia
I selected DokuWiki because it is full featured and looks good out of the box, but also it is completely self contained. It only requires PHP and most importantly it does not require MySQL. I have used two ISPs for my web hosting, and both have had problems with their MySQL implementation, so I have given up on it for now.