Using The HP3048 Noise Measurement Test Set

There was a fairly long thread on Time-Nuts about how to use the HP 3048 to measure spurs. Here are some of the responses:

Martyn first wrote:

To test the 3048A accuracy I inject a spur at a known level using a
directional coupler (similar to the single-sided spur calibration method).

I confirm the spur level on the spectrum analyzer. However the 3048A
always says the spur is 6 dB lower than it actually is (6 dB plus/minus 0.5 dB).

and later added:

So who is right? The spectrum analyser or the HP3048A.

Perhaps they are both right:


Have fun, Brian

P.S. I shall not attempt to add to the coherent/non-coherent sideband discussion, but IIRC hard limiting a signal having a small SSB spur (stripping the AM component and leaving just PM) will create a pair of PM sidebands that are 6 dB down from the original spur level as viewed on a spectrum analyzer.

Brian later added:

Martyn wrote:

I did do a plot selecting Phase Modulation Spectral Density (dB/Hz) on
the graph instead of dBc/Hz. Here the spurs were 3 dB lower!!!

To make sure I understand your results, here's how I would summarize your measurements, inserting some made-up numbers for observed spur and noise floor levels:

RF analyzer directly measuring 10 MHz signal :

3048A L(f) measuring coherently demodulated phase:

3048A Sphi(f) measuring coherently demodulated phase:

If this is what you are seeing for relative changes in level for the different measurements, I think the 3048A is working just fine.

Here's another experiment to try [1]:

This forces the 3048A to NOT apply bandwidth corrections to the collected data, so it will display a segmented-looking trace with increasing floor offset across each band break


[1] It's been about 7 years since I've actually pushed the buttons on a 3048A, so my recollection of setup and S/W behavior might be a bit fuzzy