Manuals, Timing, Ham Radio, Test Equipment
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Ham Radio
Test Equipment
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Ham Radio
Hardware Projects:
The Tower Project: notes on tower design and pictures taken during construction.
A 2.4 GHz Antenna to receive the Selene Japanese spacecraft
Morse Iambic Keyer using a Silabs microcontroller, with source code
Pipe Cap Filters for the microwaves
10 GHz Transverters
How to operate 24V relays from 12V without voltage converter.
MFJ-264 Dummy Load modification
into a 40dB attenuator still capable of 1kW power dissipation (short term).
An inexpensive CW key you can build
TS-440S/AT Computer Interface
Microphone Mute for sound card modes with the TS-440
FT-817 CAT Interface
Dual Radio Computer Interface
Software Projects:
ADIFLookup: A program to automatically add name and address to an ADIF file.
A Dual Time Zone Ham Radio Clock for Windows
HamLookup Ham Radio Database
QSO Recorder
Product Reviews:
SR-700 Step-Up Switching Regulator
FT-1000 test data
Frequently Asked Questions:
What cable/connector to use from my radio to my antenna?
Digital Modes Interfacing
What is a TCXO and why would I want one?
LLDX Method for working pileups
VHF/UHF Beacons
Sortable list of US based VHF and UHF beacons
Ham Links
A list of ham radio related, hardware and software links
KO4BB's Halloween Electric Pumkin