Chip Image capture



Canon EOS20Da


Zeiss 55mm Contax F/1.7 with 70mm of extension tubes.

Illumination source

The rays of the setting sun coming through a conservatory window were used to illuminate the chip

Camera Mount

Camera mounted on a 4" long standard 1/2" optical post held in the 4 axis (tilt, tip, Y, Z) as shown below:

Chip mount

The chip was stuck to surface of a small aluminium block with double sided foam tape. This block in turn sat on top of a short length of HDPE rod which in turn sat on a 3 axis mount (X, Y, Z) as shown below:

Stable base for imaging setup

The 2 positioners sat on a piece of 30mm x 300m x 600mm polished granite as shown below:


Lens aperture

The lens aperture was set at F/2.8 (according to the engraved markings on the lens barrel). In reality the image space F/number was closer to F/6.3 and the object space F/No closer to F/5. Image magnification was about 1.27 (determined largely by the 70mm total length of the extension tubes)

Camera settings

Camera mode set to P (programmed automatic exposure) Since a Zeiss lens is used the camera cannot vary the aperture for the exposure, it can only vary the exposure time.

Imaging process

The lens was focused slightly beyond the chip surface and a sequence of exposures taken with the distance from the chip to the lens deceased by 0.001" (micrometer graduations on 3 axis stage) between successive exposures for a total of 74 exposures. The exposure which best showed the bond wire detail being selected.

Exposure time for chip Image capture

1/400 sec.

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